Trinket Box

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mexican Bean Burgers

These veggie-friendly burgers are so easy to make and are really tasty too. As soon as I saw the recipe on Charlene's blog I knew I had to give them a whirl.

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I decided to half the recipe, to make less burgers, but I would definitely make a bigger batch next time!

400g tin of kidney beans
50g breadcrumbs
1 egg
A generous squirt of ketchup
2tsp of chilli powder

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Drain the kidney beans and empty them into a large bowl. Partially mash them with a potato-masher. Add the remaining ingredients and mix together until combined.

Divide the mixture and shape them into burgers. Pop them onto a non-stick tray and put them into the oven at 200°C for about 10-15 minutes. Charlene suggested 4 minutes on each side, but I found mine took a bit longer so I suppose it depends on your oven.

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I served mine minus the bun as I'm trying to be good (holiday time soon!), but they would be great as Charlene served them - wedged in a bun with sour cream & guacamole.

I also made some mexican bean balls which I used in a salad for lunch.

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  1. Ooh I've made something similar to this before but mine had salsa in them- definitely recommend it if you want a bit of variation next time :) these look really yummy, wish I could have them for my tea tonight now!
    Kaz at Sunshine Days x

  2. this looks so delicious!! :D

  3. Ooh yum! Definitely going to make these next week! x

  4. Ooh, those look good - I love bean burgers!
