Trinket Box

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Nails - grunge floral

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend so far? I had an evening to myself last night so spent it having a lovely bubble bath and cosying up in my onesie with a film, wine and my nail art pens!

I had tried this design out on paper [have since got some new nail wheels to practice on!] originally. I was after some sort of grungey watercolour floral design. It came out pretty well on paper so I decided to apply it to my nails last night.


I started off by using Models Own Black Magic for the base. I painted the floral design on using a fine paintbrush. I used a selection of colours, mainly Models Own Raspberry Crush and Beth's Blue. The green and pink were ones from my nail art pen collection.

I really like this's really pretty, and wasn't that hard to do :) Plus, as I'm a bit of a floral freak, it matches a lot of the clothes I wear!


  1. Oh these are cute! I bought some nail wraps from Primark that had a similar pattern to these - yours look so professional! x x

  2. It looks great! So so lovely! xxx

  3. aw these are lovely and such a good idea! i'll definitely be trying these out myself haha ox

  4. These look absolutely gorgeous! :) Love them!
    x x x

  5. this is amazing, you're so talented, your nails look lovely <3 xx

  6. Love the design! :) Definitely want to try this x

  7. This looks gorgeous! :) I'd love to attempt something like this but my hands aren't quite steady enough :( xx

    Sarah @ xx

  8. So pretty - like the kind of designs you'd get on a narrow boat, if that makes sense. You're so talented : ) x

  9. So pretty, love the pretty/ grunge combination :-)
