Trinket Box

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Pretty new bed and such...

After weeks of sleeping on the floor [and lots of angry phonecalls], I finally have my new bed!



I love it :) I'm well aware my pillows are at the 'wrong' end - but if I had my headframe thing the other end, it would be in the middle of the room and would look silly, and also I don't want to have my pillows that end as I'd have shelves above me...does that sound silly?!

My pretty duvet cover was £16 from Tesco!

Moving onto my next newest addition to my room...

I found this in TK Maxx of all places - not a shop I'd usually go into, but I found this when popping in by chance with some friends. I needed it immediately, however already had a perfectly good bedside table which my Grandad made when I was little. But I decided to buy it!

Mint green, which matches my room perfectly...


I love everything about it - the colour, the worn paint - but especially the decorative design - very Art Nouveau! My Mum is going to put my old bedside table somewhere else in the house, as I don't want it to be thrown away. But I couldn't miss out on this beauty :) Stores my diana camera & accessories well, plus all my other junk!



  1. No don't worry I'd be exactly the same, it really freaks me out sleeping underneath shelves/hanging items!

    Lovely bed spread!!

  2. i love the cabinet, tx max (wow, can not believe that!) sooo lush, how much was it? also love the new bed, especially the wire headboard, all very very pretty!

  3. ooh i love that bed cover! =]

  4. i have the same cover as you - good old Tesco! that little cabinet is gorgeous xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  5. Hi, I'm a newish follower, I love that duvet cover and cabinet.. would never have thought the cover came from Tescos either. I have a simialer looking bed, its antique victorian Iron, I painted it white, the only thing is it doesn't have the springs so has some old hardboard and wood to hold the mattress.. they both need replacing really :)

  6. Loved the bed!!! <3 I actually want one like that but they're so expensive here :(. At least i have cute bed covers so that's a start.

  7. love the bed! and the cabinet.. wow so my style i <3 xx

  8. TKs? Are they open now? I love it!!! Got to have one.
