Trinket Box

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Peanut butter fudge

I decided to make peanut butter fudge today. I used Sophie Dahl's recipe. Although I didn't quite stick to it - 500g is a lot of sugar!

Okay, so I don't know why she feels that it needs 500g of sugar, as well as 300g of icing sugar [I also only put about 180g of this in], because it came out seriously sweet. I know fudge is meant to be like that, but crikey. Still, it's pretty yummy - you just can't have too much of it in one go!


  1. Wow - looks delicious. I've never made fudge, might have to give it a go. Have you got Sophie Dahl's book - is it any good?

  2. Looks scrummy! I'm making my own marshmallows tonight, no idea how they are going to turn out but I'm excited! :)

  3. Oh that looks lovely - I am definitely going to try this at the weekend - will take your tip about the sugar (might even cut it a bit more because things that are too sweet make my mouth get a funny aftertaste!!). Did you add extra peanut butter to balance the reduction in sugar?

  4. It looks yummy. Your photo is good enough for a food magazine!
